



Origins of Teros

Gay, bi, and trans men often hold stress our straight or cis peers don’t.

Many of our beloved spaces are are indoors, crowded, noisy, and often centered around alcohol.

Teros is an inclusive space. A traveling wellness retreat for homo-romantic men to rest together, care for themselves, and connect authentically in nature.

About Teros

  • Connect with something greater than the sum of its parts.

    Teros is a traveling wellness retreat vising the most beautiful landscapes in California. Our events are thoughtfully located near state and national parks to maximize access to recreational land and activities.

    Teros members enjoy the weekend's festivities, gather for meals, sleep, bathe, relax, and enjoy the company of other men entirely in the great outdoors, where Mother Nature intended.

  • Feel better in your body and quiet the mind with the help of California's eclectic community of skilled healers, space holders, and wellness practitioners.

    Each experience includes uniquely curated self-care practices ranging from yoga, tantra, and acupuncture to stargazing mushroom ceremonies, sound bathing, and divination.

  • Simply experience the joy of being you as you are, with others as they are.

    Humans didn't evolve to live in modern society; we have an ancient need to gather in nature to heal, bond, and grow.

    Reconnect with yourself, foster authentic relationships, and leave with memories - and friends - to last a lifetime.

Upcoming Events

Winter Solstice

Joshua Tree, December 20 - 22, 2024

Brightest when we come together, the light in each of us burns low during this season of natural dormancy. Embrace the warmth of sacred Joshua Tree on the shortest day of the year to rekindle the light inside you.

Join Teros members for a desert bathing experience to quiet the mind in the solace of nature, restore the body you inhabit, and experience the joy of being a gay, bi, or trans man.

This curated experience includes:

  • A beautiful desert space to set up camp, together, just as our ancestors did

  • Music performance and dance to move the body, welcome the soul, and break the ice

  • Daily communal yoga to awaken the body and build a stronger mind-body connection

  • Daily tea ceremony and guided meditation to still the mind and empower the senses

  • Expertly guided sound baths to sooth the nervous system and return the mind to its home in the body

  • A guided mushroom ceremony and stargazing experience in a certified Dark Sky Place

More details and ticketing will be available soon. Be sure to join Teros for announcements.

We look forward to having you join us this winter solstice in Joshua Tree.

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